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New! New! New!🥳🥳🥳
This's a new grabbing site that associates with *Amazon*. Register for free, download the *App* and get Ksh200 as a virtual currency.
Use this referral link👇

Lev1(fashion)-Use this👉 Ksh200{free} you are given after fully registration to complete your orders.

Lev2(sports)-Recharge Ksh1,000.

Lev3(electronics)-Recharge Ksh10,000.

Lev4(home)-Recharge Ksh20,000.

Lev5(computers)-Recharge Ksh50,000.

Lev5(automotive)-Recharge Ksh100,000.

Lev6(luxury)-Recharge Ksh200,000.

Here is the referral link👇
Remember that level1 is free, grabb orders and get Ksh20 daily


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