3 yıl - çevirmek


_"And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified" (ACTS 20:32)_

The Word of God is more than history or a compilation of stories; the Word of God is God talking. And what He says is relevant in the "now" of our lives, and it's the material with which we build our lives. As you study the Scriptures, you'd often come across the phrase, "Thus saith (says) the Lord"; not, "Thus said the Lord." "Thus says the Lord" means the Word of the Lord is for you today and for your situation---now; it's efficacious in itself and by itself to build you and transform your life.

What we read in our theme verse was Paul's cogitations and conviction about the transforming and translational power of God's Word. The Word infuses boldness, excellence and dominion into your spirit. If the one who is hitherto timid would give himself to the study of God's Word, that timidity would be replaced with the spirit of power, love and a sound mind. That's the power of God's Word...

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