3 yrs - Translate

After cleaning and tidying up my house, my brother called me, saying, ′′ My wife and I are going to visit you ". I went to the kitchen to prepare something for them, but I had nothing available to serve them. After much searching, all I could get my hands on was some oranges. So, I made two glasses of iced juice.
When my brother and his wife arrived, I was shocked to see his mother-in-law with them, who came to visit me for the first time. I served both glasses of juice to the wife and her mother and put a cup of water in front of my brother, saying, ′′ I know you like * Sprite *".
He had a sip and realized it was water. And suddenly his mother-in-law said: ′′ I feel like drinking * Sprite *... Please give me some "!
There I was, perplexed and embarrassed. But my brother saved me by saying to her, ′′ I'll bring you a clean glass from the kitchen ". After a while, we heard the sound of a broken glass in the kitchen.
He then came back and said to his mother-in-law, ′′ Sorry, it fell out of my hands and the glass broke. But it's okay, I'll go to the market and buy another one ". His mother-in-law refused and said, ′′ No, there's no need for that.
Finally, when they were leaving, my brother said goodbye to me and put some money in my hand and said: ′′ Don't forget to clean the * Sprite * that fell in the kitchen so the ants don't come ".
And he said goodbye to me with a smile full of love...

When in a more favorable position, use it to lift others up. ′′ Running over ′′ the other will never make you better!
′′ Light rays in darkness to integrity, to whom is merciful, compassionate and righteous."
Psalms 112:4

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