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@Blackchild • 6 Me gusta
3 años - Traducciones

Black people are the first original people to ever walk on earth, the proof is every where, black child you are powerful you are great,you are nature you are capable of anything, nothing is impossible when black people are one, we been on earth for millions of years.
#vuka darkie
#blackchild you are great

3 años - Traducciones

Egypt was black, they try by all means for you to ignore or not believe that, but you know and no one should tell you otherwise, Ase my Kings and Queens much love ❤🤴🏿👸🏿

3 años - Traducciones

When you turn your back to your ancestors, your black family and culture the oppresser profits from it from our ignorance.
#wakeup black child
#vuka darkie
#you are capable
#black child you are great


Black child you are great, this page is to uplifting black men and women, to bring back our spirituality, this page is for reminding the Black community of who they really are, Ase my Kings and Queens much love ❤???????

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