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Virtual assistant service

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2 god - Prevedi

It has been a great day serving my first clients, I hope we get more skills in everyones field.

2 god - Prevedi

The d day is here fill up the form and request for a free service

2 god - Prevedi

It is almot time for the day, get ready with your service request, remember the services include:
email management
customer service,
travel research and booking
calendar management,
and many more.



Početni datum
11-Jul-2022 - 08:00


Datum završetka
15-Jul-2022 - 23:50

I am in the process of completing an 8-week intensive course to training me to become a virtual assistant. As part of this training, I need to gain real-world experience completing remote administrative tasks. This is where you come in!
During the week of July 11-15, I invite you to request tasks from me. I will accept any task that can be completed in under 1 hour and that can be done remotely. You can submit multiple virtual tasks! I will complete them for you for free.
Anything that can be done with a phone and computer is yours for the asking! Please take me up on this, at no cost to you!
To request a task, simply fill out [THIS SHORT FORM- LINK(] it will prompt you to my service website, feel free to state the type of service you need. I will get back to you shortly confirming my acceptance! Thank you so much for helping me gain valuable VA experience.
All the best,

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