3 سال - ترجمہ کریں۔

The biggest mistake that human beings have done in relationships since time immemorial is desiring something that themselves do not posses. They desire something that they do not know anything about.

This is why they forever point a blaming finger to the other gender as the root cause of non existence of true love. True love does not come naturally,its built.

Thinking that there is somebody out there who will come and love you automatically without applying your effort is total madness. Love is built,trust is built,affection is built. True love only exist to those who already posses it.

A person who says that true love doesn't exist implies that they themselves are as well not in possession of it. How then do you expect to see or even to notice something that you know nothing about? That's an impossibility.

If you want to be loved right you must wake up from your comfort zone,stop the blame game and learn how to love right and love right. Be in possession of true love and gauge for true love from that dimension.

You don't need a lover, you need to become one


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