Hello Palscitians!!!
Palscity is committed to connecting 1 million people to over 5 million opportunities and empowering over 1 million leader's yearly. Isn't that great!
Did you know that Joining palscity makes you a PALSCITIAN, whereas Joining a palscity table makes you a PALSCITIZEN?

Join changemakers, exploit opportunities and pitch what you do to members through the power of unity.
Log into your account, locate (https://bit.ly/Palscitizen), pick a table based on your interest and become a PALSCITIZEN!!
Each table consists of members with common interest.

Palscity - Social Media | Business Networking Site - Leaders & Change Makers Kenya

Palscity - Social Media | Business Networking Site - Leaders & Change Makers Kenya

Palscity is a Social Media, Business Networking & Leaders Platform. With our new feature, users can react to posts, photos, audios and connect with friends within their network. Pals city, Palcity, Pal city

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