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8 Destructive Effects Of Perfectionism You Should Know.

1. Negative Self-talk.

- You will be extremely hard on yourself whenever you make a mistake, even while learning/doing for the first time.

- Even the things are not in your control, you will end up blaming yourself.

2. Not Being Able To Accept Which Is Not Right.

- Everything needs to be just right. Else, you tend to feel lot of pressure.

- Due to some unexpected reasons if things get delayed, you take lot of stress.

- You don't put your ideas forward unless you feel they are perfect.

3. Preoccupation With Minute Details.

- Every task you do, you get obsessed over getting it right to the minute details.

- You end up allocating more time even to simple tasks, which take toll on other important tasks.

4. Strains Your Relationships.

- You feel the pressure to be perfect partner and expect the same from your partner.

- Any missteps makes you feel inferior. This creates unnecessary tension in your relationships.

- It could also lead to delay in finding a partner.

5. "All or Nothing" Thinking.

- You tend to view situations in all good or all bad extremes.

For eg., You may go on s restrictive diet or aim to eat clean - until one cookie makes you flip to the other extreme.

6. Shying Away From New Experience.

- You feel extremely important to be excellent at everything you do.

- It makes it very hard to try anything new or anything you are not good at.

- Fear of failure can keep your world a lot smaller than it has to be.

7. Not Trusting Others With Work.

- To get things right or perfect, you want to do everything yourself.

- You believe others might not do things the way you do.

- You miss to understand the benefits of team work and delegation.

- This leaves you feeling exhausted.

8. Finding Hard To Quiet Your Mind.

- You always have so much to do.

- You feel important to optimize all of the time that you have.

- This thought doesn't allow to rest or be at peace.

- You always feel you are not being productive enough.

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