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Find how many people are earning Big through Palscity Affiliates program by, Referals, Blogging, Content Rewards, Trending and Partner Affiliate Commissions. Find here a complete Guide with Examples:

Palscity *targets 1M active users* by 2022 ~ we urge everyone to target 10 users/day, 50 users/week and 200 users/month.

Aim~ *Connect, Share, Discover opportunities nearby.*

*Different Ways to Earn on Palscity*

1. *Referals* refer a person, earn Kshs. 10. This pays better & quickly. It's the most rewarding so long as you do not fake users. Pick and shorten your referal link at https://palscity.com/setting/affiliates

*Stats Currently our leading referrer is from Eldoret, Kenya - *Mr. Alzaro*. He earns between *Kshs. 20k-35k* a month on Referals only.

2. Monthly *#BeatPalscityCEO campaign* where you earn KShs. 1,000 when you appear top of the red mark here: https://palscity.com/setting/referral-campaign

*Stat* over 20k-200k given out per month for winners.

3. *Content - Blogs* write blogs, earn points, convert to money - just ensure if your blog is lifted from somewhere, then edit paragraph one and last. Always share with people your blog for more views. We will start a reward for most shared/viewed blog.

4. *Content - Earn whenever you Post, comment & react/like* ensure you are well trained before you pick this alternative. Be careful less you are flagged as Spamming and you end up wasting time.

5. *Trending/Tweeps Squad* join our trending team Tuesdays and Thursdays. Appear top 10 in any of the 5 categories and earn as follows:
- *No. 1* Kshs. 1,000
- *No. 2* Kshs. 700
- *No. 3* Kshs. 500
- *No. 4* Kshs. 300
- *No. 5* Kshs. 250
- *No. 6-10* 1GB bundles

*Stat* Earning 1k per day, 10k per month on trending.

6. Palscity/Mybigorder Marketplaces *vendor/seller recruitment drive*. Earns KShs. 100-200 per vendor/seller refered

[use your Mybigorder referal link. Register here https://mybigorder.com/affiliate ]

7. *Earn 10% commission* on referals for Web Design, Domain, Hosting, Bulk SMS, Digital Marketing, SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Photography, Video, Voice Recording, Training, Portal etc

[use your Oracom Group Referal link. Register here https://clients.orawebhost.com/register.php ]

8. *Training* Earns 75% of training modules/courses you can train as a Trainer and 10% for student referral

[Register here: https://oradmt.com/register]

9. Earns 4% on all *online sales and orders* on Palscity marketplace & Mybigorder e-commerce shop. (use Mybigorder affiliattes link).

10. Get involved in *Palscity Foundation an NGO for Palscity Tables* get program facilitation FEE from donors and activities funded for your regions.

*How To Start*
1. Start by attending a training every Thursday evening 8-9pm (FREE)
2. Take *Palscity Affiliates Test* andPass with 70% (FREE).
3. Brand yourself Palscity from Palscity Merchandise.

*Tips on Content that Rewards

Here all you need to avoid is *Spamming* eg when:

1. You randomly post pictures with no captions, but they follow one another and they don't have a message. Always do a mix of different content types, make it organic, make it interactive.

2. You comment on each post you find & your comments do not make sense, not related and are repetitive.

3. When you post / comment with emojis, short words, innitially repeatedly.

4. If you comment on a spamming post that doesn't make sense then you are also spamming.

5. When you pick and post other people's photos without consent or caption of why you are posting it.

6. If your post has external money making links that are not yet verified by Palscity to be true or other affiliates sites links eg you're marketing an afilliates site you will not earn from content.

7. When you are marketing another service/product then you are excluded from earning through Content. We only reward good and organic content.

8. Spamming blogs with comments that don't make sense and repetitive.

NB: All your posts must be content worth paying, that is organic and that rewards you for eg.

*Content Types that Pays*
1. Post your moments, moments with friends, family, colleagues, group etc
2. Post status updates frequently & daily ensure something is on your status.
3. Post breaking news updates, blogs, articles..
4. Post quotes, memories, verses..
5. Post Pictures, photos..
6. Post plain Text, words
7. Post jokes, gossip, fun..
8. Post Videos, Animations..
9. Post Emojis, Memes/gifs
10. Post Downloads, pots, files, pdfs, ebooks..
11. Pst Polls, votes, awards, contests etc
12. Post Job, Opportunities, Enquiries, vacancies, internships, tenders...
13. Post what you do, market yourself to customers
14. Post Quizzes, FAQs, Questions & Answers..
15. Post Statistics, Research, facts, records..
16. Post How to Guides, tutorials, Instructions, recipes..
17. Post Case studies, examples..
18. Post Interviews, presentations..
19. Post Company News
20. Post Product release news
21. News, press release, Magazines, Newspaper cuttings...
22. Post Vlogs, Webinars..

*Point to Note*
1. Have a mix of the content, pick your niche ensure it's organic and great content. We only reward great content.

2. Try and use hashtags to accompany your posts.

3. Don't post like a machine/this is made to reward you over time like even after a month and not today or tomorrow or this week.

4. But whenever you find yourself posting only one type or posting anything for the sake chasing to earn, then you are may be spamming.

*Some of the Hashtags you can capitalize your content around*

1. Business & Personal growth*

#MadeInKenya #MyHustle #ISell #IOffer #MyBusinessCard #MyLiveWebsite #FindTenders #YouthInBusiness #WomenInBusiness #TopEntrepreneurs #PartnerWithUs #SupportUs #LookingFor #MentorMe #FundMe #MyStory #GetInspired #FindJobs #CompanyObituaries

2. *Groups & Community*

#StudentsOnPalscity #WomenOnPalscity #KidsOnPalscity #ElderlyOnPalscity #UnSungHeroes #WorldWonders #OldIsGold #BookOfRecord #BestOfNature #LuoIsASoftware #CelebratingMothers #CelebratingFathers #RIP VillageStories

3. *Professions* #LawyersOnPalscity #EngineeersOnPalscity #DoctorsOnPalscity #FootballersOnPalscity #NursesOnPalscity #TrainersOnPalscity #NutritionistsOnPalscity #ResearchersOnPalscity #DriversOnPalscity #LecturersOnPalscity #JournalistsOnPalscity #TeachersOnPalscity #AccountantsOnPalscity #AuditorsOnPalscity #BankersOnPalscity #TourGuidesOnPalscity #PhotographersOnPalscity #DevelopersOnPalscity #PharmacistsOnPalscity #MarketersOnPalscity #InteriorDesignersOnPalscity #VeterinaryOfficersOnPalscity #ArchitectsOnPalscity #DJsOnPalscity #PilotsOnPalscity #ProducersOnPalscity #ContentCreatorsOnPalscity #TechniciansOnPalscity #GraphicDesignersOnPalscity #ElectriciansOnPalscity #HRsOnPalscity #ShopKeepersOnPalscity

4. *Governance & Leadership*

#StopCorruption #MyCountry #MyCounty #MyConstituency #MyWard #MyVillage #FixThisHotSpot #FulfilledPromises #UnfulfilledPromises #UpcomingLeaders #MyMCA #MyMP #MyWomenRep #MySenator #MyGovernor #MyPresident #PoliticsFlips

5. *Sports, Art, Entertainment*

#LocalTalent #CreativeComedy #FunnyPics #CreativeTalent #FootballLovers

6. *Education*

#MyTeacherMyHero #MySchoolDays

*7. Health*

#Covid19 #EatNatural

*8. Agriculture*

#TechnologyInAgriculture #MyGardenFarm

Chat with us live on: www.help.palscity.com if you need more help on content that pays or if you have feedback on making this program better.

Palscity - Social Media | Business Networking Site - Leaders & Change Makers Kenya

Palscity - Social Media | Business Networking Site - Leaders & Change Makers Kenya

Palscity is a Social Media, Business Networking & Leaders Platform. With our new feature, users can react to posts, photos, audios and connect with friends within their network. Pals city, Palcity, Pal city

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