Palscity Friday Affiliates Withdrawal request completed and paid.
1. A total 50 people paid, 4 declined, 2 did not put the phone number to receive money.

2. Highest paid and winner of Friday is Rodney Onyango Ksh. 1,301.

3. A total Kshs. 57,000 released. Next payday Tuesday withdrawal & Wednesday payment release.

4. Those who concentrated on Referals earned big again followed by bloggers. When you blog share it on your timeline and on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn other WhatsApp groups so that it helps you earn from readers who read it and end up signing up. Include your referal link in the blog link.

5. From today you only see posts of people you follow.

6. We will have an affiliates training on Wednesday 16th June 2021 at 8pm-9pm evening.

7. Those paying/commenting/reacting to pay are considered spamming if they do it frequent/every minute or if repeated posts do not do this with a view of earning. It's made to pay over time not immediately. We only pay for good, engaging content. Commercial posts are allowed but will be excluded in posts we pay for. We will only select good posts and pay for them and decline the rest that are not quality.

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