2 år - Oversætte

The methods of catching fish in the inlands river's are #three . Where the rivers are #broad, villagers may go out on them in #canoes to fish;but more commonly fishing is done from the #bank,by means of rod and line with a baited hook ,or,where the stream is #narrower,by building a #small dam of mud or sticks across the stream to trap fish carried down by the current .people do not often make river fishing their #sole occupation,but carry it on almost #as a hobby along with their daily work of farming,or after their normal day's work is over.The fish caught are if the #fresh - water variety and are not so plentiful as the #salt-water fish.They are mainly used by that fisherman himself and his family or are sold to his neighbors. #River fishermen are not exposed to so many dangers as those who fish on the#open sea,but they do dread their great enemy, #the crocodile,which can overturn a canoe or break a man's legs by a mere swish of it's tail
'There are many lagoons along the #coast, where's stream widens before entering the sea ,or where waters drain from #surrounding hills,or where a sand bar has isolatedan inlet of the sea.These lagoons are the happy #"hunting-grounds"of small boys ,some of whom even play truant from school to join the fun at the lagoon .They #plubge into the shallow waters of the lagoon carrying #calabashes,in which they hope to catch the fish,or small circular nets which they intend to drop over the fish .In either case,they frighten the fish into the region where they hope to catch them by making a great #noise and commotion,beating the water,splashing and shouting.The fish caught are very small,not really big enough for sale in the #market,and they are usually taken home and put into the #soup for the evening meal.

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