3 বছর - অনুবাদ করা

Some of the things you will notice that will most likely suggest a person is bound to die poor;

1. Waking up late and going to bed early

You cannot be going to bed early and still wake up very late. We have some people who love doing their things deep in their night and so go to bed very late. If you are such a person then it is reason enough to wake up late. We have those that prefer going to bed early but wake up very early when fresh. If you find yourself in the habit of going to bed early but still waking up late, then that is a clear sign you are bound to die poor. You don't need a job to wake up early. Ensure you do your best to be up on time, that's the first sign of success and you even get confidence.

2. High affinity for free things

This is one serous things that affects people especially with a wrong poverty mentality. Every time you hear there is someone giving out free things, you will do everything possible to be there. Sometimes it is not because these people luck but it is because they just love things they have not worked for. If you are such a person, you should know that is a sign that you are bound to imprison yourself in poverty.

3. Receiver but not a giver

Are you the type of person that is always on the receiving end and rarely want to give. Even the Holy Books and scriptures tell us that the hand that gives is the hand that receives. Don't just be a receiver, create opportunities that will also allow you to give. If you are not a giver but only a receiver, chances are you will never receive great things and bound to die poor.

4. Faint at heart

Are you the type of person that is easily discouraged when things don't work as planned. Successful people know that there is rising and falling and know how to accept every reality. Being faint at heart will not allow take great risks, it is at taking risks where a person increases there chances of becoming rich.

5. Unwillingness to learn - No knowledge/Skill addition

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