3 साल - अनुवाद करना

Just a motivation

When KCPE results for 2010 was out , I was dissapointed. I had my left leg broken and stayed home for 2 months . I had lost alot from school and was wondering why God was making me to go through alot. I sent my brother to go check for me my result at the school gate. ( During those days the results were pinned by the gate.) Our school St. Francis of Assisi Rongo is located along the main high way to town.

Everyone was seeing my result and everyone's result . I had got 298 missing 2 marks to get 300 marks . Deep down I was broken. So that evening when my mother left market as she was coming back home she passed by our school gate and saw marks. She came to my bedroom and patted my back and told me " nyathina ngimani makiny bro bedo maber. Kik ijali" ( my son your future is great don't worry . It shall be well) My father took me out to Kisii and bought me Chicken the following day then brought me back home without saying much. I was young but I got the message. They were proud of me and this was the message.

December went and January came my father took me to School of 18th February 2011 and as we walked to school he told me this I quote" you know your potential I know you will make me proud" these words kept me going . Thought my 4 years in High school I was sure of one thing . I was going to the University and nothing was going to stop me . I was disciplined, hardworking and above all God fearing. True to my words when results came out in 2015 February had secured a chance in Pwani University . My parents patted my back and my mom told me this " Nyathina somo Ber chieng' moro nekonyi"( education will help you) When I was going to join the University my father took me throughout the journey I saw him happy . I kept the dream and the power of success they spoke to me .

If my parents had talked bad about my 298 truth be told today I won't be here to speak to you . To encourage some of you and to share my story. Dear parents even if your child have failed in this KCPE exams , don't talk to them bitterly tell them it's alright .Let's see happiness . We don't want to loose more kids because of depression and suicide. Be the hole to your kids don't discourage them

Exams is not the end of life ..your child who failed in one exams can surprise you in the next level of life. Lets be parents not soul killers.

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