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A lot of men simply marry the woman who happens to be in front of them at the time they get ready to get married. Few men will launch out to search for the right partner with discipline and intention. This is because many men think they can make it work with just any woman. Especially if she's giving him some bare minimum attention or sex. Even if she's reluctant and unavailable, he will pursue her and marry her.

Of course such a thing cannot last because it's his agenda not hers, although she may flow along for the benefits.
Soon it goes down the drain, or he's forced to flee for his own peace. There may have been a child already or a period of time lapsed. He goes and repeats the same cycle elsewhere and by the time he's mid life he has the debris of these mistakes littered all over his life; multiple children with different women, a shattered heart and hopelessness.

And yet this is a cool guy, a husband material who meant well. The problem is that he tried to marry on impulse as opposed to intention and sobriety.

A lot of people work very hard and build a successful career. But when it comes to relationships they get presumptuous and emotional, and as a result they roll back all the gains they had made in their career development.

As for you, better to swallow your ego and undertake self education before you board the wrong marriage bus. Just like it took years to be trained for your career, and you continue learning after graduation, marriage is the same. You must learn about it for at least some years before graduation, and afterwards you keep learning while inside of it.

(©️ Benjamin Zulu Global) #copied from Benjamin zulu

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