1 Y - Isalin

Racism and colonisation will not end until Africans understand how this world is run and by whom. There is one race that has subjugated Africans for over 400 years and they intend to continue. Racism is a reality that will stay with us as long as we deny and assume that it doesn't exists, it has been institutionalized in African cultures through official false history, until majority of Africans have now accepted they are racially inferior. Africans, due to their kindness, forgave the Europeans for enslaving and colonising them which is not bad, the bad thing is, Africans have begun to forget they were once enslaved and colonised and this may lead us to another round of slavery, I mean history repeats itself. There are two major public places where racism is being white washed through false history in Africa:
1. Churches "I can't talk about mosques" no idea
2. Learning institutions.

Remember all these institutions are run exclusively by Africans.

There is mass ignorance In Africa created by design to keep Africans in their sorry state of affairs. Our indoctrination begun during slavery through to colonisation till now. It will almost take a miracle to undo it.

Ok, I have a true story I want to present to you, please give me a little of your time.

One day I went to my local church to at least offer my thanks and prayers to God, everything went well for me until sermon begun and the pastor opened the book of Genesis 9:20-29, this book talks about Noah cursing one of his sons called Ham for seeing him naked, Noah cursed his son sayings "your children will be slaves to your brothers' children". The ambiguity is that, just like the white slave masters used biblical verses selectively to subdue African slaves phycologicaly, the pastor did the same, he didn't proceed to chapter 10:8-12 where Cush, the son of Nimrod the great grandson of Ham was cursed by his farther build an empire called Babylon. In essence, you can't build your own empire and still remain a slave

He concluded by saying that Africans descended from Ham and because he was cursed by the father his leneage became black and that's why we, Africans, became slaves to the white people, in short it was sanctioned by God for black people to be slaves. I knew it was not true but I was marveled by how the congratulation concentrated and was ready to take in the pervasive points made by the pastor.
When I did my research I found out that this analogy didn't begin with my pastor, it begun during slavery to subdue African slaves to accept their fate. To me it looked like everyone in the congratulation believed him except myself. Now, no white people were in the congratulation but this black pastor managed to conjure a story line that was told over 400 year ago, I was marveled.

Our education system doesn't teach true history of Africa to our children. History books were handed over to us by the Europeans, in those books you will never find gruesome parts of slavery explained, they only brain wash our children and that has been the target the Europeans. The history books glorify colonisation, they talk about how colonisation brought civilization to Africa, they don't talk about tones of mineral wealth they stole from us to industrialize Europe. One day true history of Africa will be told by Africans themselves, that day has comes. Welcome to true history of Africa, please subscribe so that this work can reach as many people as possible. I will be grateful, thank you


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